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OBS Studio configuration for an SRT broadcast with 2 languages

Sending two languages in a single stereo channel (languages panned L+R) is possible with any encoder that supports SRT (e.g. OBS Studio, Wirecast, vMix ...). OBS Studio is one of the encoders that also allows you to broadcast more than 2 languages.

To broadcast only 2 languages, we recommend that you use the original SRT output in OBS. This way, your broadcast automatically continues after being interrupted and you can make a local recording while broadcasting.

Event configuration in Clevercast

When creating an event in Clevercast, choose 'SRT broadcast with extra audio tracks (Clevercast as listener)' as the broadcast protocol.

Go to the Broadcast tab of your event in Clevercast and make sure that Languages per track is set to 2.

OBS Studio settings

Copy the ‘SRT Caller URL‘ from your event to the ‘Server‘ field in OBS Studio (in the ‘Stream’ tab). You can leave the ‘Stream Key’ empty.

Setting the SRT caller

Note: some of the query-string arguments in the ‘SRT Caller URL‘ are not necessary when using the original SRT output, but they will be ignored by OBS.

The rest of the configuration should follow our broadcast guidelines as much as possible. See the screenshots below on how to do this.

OBS output configuration for 1080p

OBS output configuration for 1080p

OBS video configuration

OBS audio configuration

Note: Clevercast currently delivers all multilingual live streams (including T@H and captions) with a framerate of 25 fps and keyframe interval of 2 seconds, no matter what framerate your broadcast contains. Therefore, we strongly recommend to use a framerate of 25 fps and keyframe interval of 2 seconds in your broadcast. If you use a higher framerate and not all frames are delivered to Clevercast in time (eg. network connections, insufficient bandwidth at the event location) this may cause the floor audio to go shortly out of sync.

Make sure that the audio track contains a stereo channel with the languages panned L+R.